January 23, 2016

My top 5 Siebel Mistakes in 2015

I received a very candid email from a reader, asking me what mistakes I make in Siebel development and how do I overcome those?

Surprisingly I had a long list of mistakes, and I wasn't doing anything about it. So I decided to write this post to attempt on reducing these mistakes.

I believe in learning from mistakes, thus I challenge all my readers to list down their mistakes and leave them in comments below. Remember no one is perfect, so don't be shy and leave comment.

1. Using InvokeServiceMethod in calculated fields.

This is biggest performance degrader.I regret this one the most, I used this trick to calculate an status of opportunity and it turned out to be biggest technical debt of all time. No one want to fix it now and it is stuck there churning away time, memory and CPU every time it is referred.

2. Not checking CountRecords() Or FirstRecord() before get field value.

This is one of my most frequent mistake in Siebel. It goes unnoticed because the logic works for mostly all scenarios but one, what if there are no records retrieved from query? Siebel is going to throw it back to you, logic won't proceed and service will halt making you accountable.

So please don't be a Jim and always check for record count or First Record before proceeding.

3. No comments

Leaving no comments on blog post is ok, but leaving no comments in script is a big no no. Have your ever noticed how much easy it becomes if there is one of two line of comments in script? just one or two line makes it so convenient for developer to understand the code without going into details.

My self plead guilty of committing this some time.

If I have to create a standard I will try to use following template for comments:

[jim] [25 Dec 2015] [ added code for xxxxx reason, code is invoked from xxxxx places]

simple isn't it? Please share in comments below what type of comments you use.

3. Not nullifying objects after use.

Developers believe that ST script engine will clear up memory for them. But no memory leaks are real still in Siebel 8. So please Jim don't make that mistake again.

4. Try catch finally block
This is the only way for keeping some dignity, and we still avoid it to save time.  Do you also make that mistake?

5.  Using profile attributes.

They work like magic in some scenarios, but it is so difficult to trace them back, and using it in Open UI is like calling Mayhem. Please share your thoughts on this. How do you trace back the creation of profile attributes?

Please don't forget to leave your list of mistakes in comment below.

January 16, 2016

How to get name of siebel server in eScript?

I found this script recently on support web which allows us to get value of Siebel server name, log directory of the current session. I quickly extended script to get value of siebel task id and process id to help me in my debugging.

These values can be very useful if you are working on multi server issue. With the help of task Id I was able to find the log of current session without opening each log file. Please share in comments below on how you choose to use this script.

var serverSession_BO = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Server Admin - Sessions");
var serverSession_BC = serverSession_BO.GetBusComp("SA-VBC Session");
var taskParam_BC = serverSession_BO.GetBusComp("Server Task Parameter");

serverSession_BC.SetSearchSpec("OM_LOGIN", logInName);

taskParam_BC.SetSearchSpec("Parameter", "Log directory");

var compName = serverSession_BC.GetFieldValue("CC_ALIAS");
var siebsrvrName = serverSession_BC.GetFieldValue("SV_NAME");
var task_id = serverSession_BC.GetFieldValue("TK_TASKID");
var p_id = serverSession_BC.GetFieldValue("TK_PID");
var logDir = taskParam_BC.GetFieldValue("Current Value");

Additionally one can also find the windows process id and thread id by using following script.

var processId, taskId;
processId = taskId = ""; // initialize to satisfy eScript parser

//evaluate to suppress STDCALL not being recognized with eScript parser
eval('processId = SElib.dynamicLink("kernel32.dll","GetCurrentProcessId", STDCALL)');
eval('taskId = SElib.dynamicLink("kernel32.dll","GetCurrentThreadId", STDCALL)');

processId = processId.toString();
taskId = taskId.toString();

I bet you wont be able to do this in any cloud application. :)

Hope it helps.