Showing posts with label SBL-DAT-XXXXX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SBL-DAT-XXXXX. Show all posts

June 21, 2016

Siebel Tools and Windows 10

Those who have been following blog closely would know from my latest demo video that I have been using windows 10 and Siebel IP16 for experimentation.

One can easily install Siebel Tools and client on windows 10 and run it on Oracle XE with Sample database, however Siebel IP16 being a new release it has some quirks which are not very developer friendly.

Here are some problems that I get everytime:

1. All workflows by default are not valid :(
Workflow simulator will error out straight away even if there is nothing wrong with workflow. Validator might say workflow is not fully connected.
Workflow simulation on Windows 10

What's the fix? Just edit the workflow once and move around workflow steps. And then simulate again, this time it will work just fine.

2. Tools wont boot and authentication subsystem will reject your login.
An internal error has occurred within the authentication subsystem for the Siebel application. Please contact your system administrator for assistance.(SBL-DAT-00565)

Oracle XE is either crashed or booting up just give it few minutes have a coffee or something.

3. Dedicated client wont start
A system error occurred trying to start the command 'siebel.exe /c "C:\Siebel\\Client\BIN\enu\scomm.cfg" /b "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" /u SADMIN /p SADMIN /d SAMPLE_XE /h'.(SBL-DEV-00127)
Cant start dedicated client.

Just run tools as administrator and you will be fine.

Hope it helps.

My current setup includes: Windows 10, Siebel IP16, Oracle XE, Oracle Virtual Box containing : Windows 2008 Server which is hosting  > MSSQL Server + IIS + Siebel Server IP16.

May 25, 2016

Guide to resolve Generic SSA NOTOK error message. SBL-DAT-00472

SBL-DAT-00472: Generic SSA NOTOK error message.

SSA NOTOK Error in Siebel

This error occurs in Siebel when there is some fundamental configuration mistake, like syntax errors or missing workflows or incorrect joins are configured. This error can be very difficult to fix, as it leaves very thin trace behind and there is no indication to start with. When I faced this error I narrowed it down by going through the most common reasons of this error and started to rule them out one by one.

Following is the list which I followed from various support web articles.

1. Deleted Workflows

Runtime events that are created automatically by workflow deployment have row id of workflow specified on them, and if that workflow does not exist in system then run time event can throw this error. To debug this turn on the personalisation logs and narrow down which runtime event is causing the trouble.

2. Explicit Joins on 1:1 tables

Someone has created explicit join based on 1:1 extention table and name of the join is same as the table name. For example table S_SRV_REQ1_FNX is extension table of S_SRV_REQ, so one should not create join in Service request BC with table S_SRV_REQ1_FNX to avoid getting this error.

3. Calculated Fields

This is the most common cause of this error. Any syntax mistake in calculation or calculation which compares a two different data types can result into SSA NOTOK Error.
For example following calculation will cause this error :
IIf ([Status] = 1, 10, 0)
This because the status field is DTYPE_TEXT and it is compared to integer value.

In my case I had a field in BC with syntactically incorrect calculation. Which was easy to find as it popped up as first thing in BC validation.

4. BC field Validations

This is another place where calculated fields can be referred and could cause this error. This might not error out every time as calculation might not be evaluated in all conditions. So do check field level validations as well when trying to fix this issue.

5. Run-time events or DVMs

Another place I would look for would be RTE and DVMs as they also use Siebel query language to identify records and validate things and any syntax goof up can cause this error to popup.

Another place you might get this error is while generating sample XML for BIP reports, this happens because application is not able to find the folder location specified in component parameter for XMLPReportDataDir .

Please feel free to share and discuss your experiences with this error in comments below.

February 28, 2016

SBL-DAT-00501 : Invalid search specification ' < ? > '.

We detected an Error which may have occurred for one or more of the following reasons:
Invalid search specification '<?>'. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.(SBL-DAT-00501)

invalid search specification <?>
This error can come out of the blue moon and can cause some serious time waste and frustration. I learned to resolve it the hard way. In my case it was only occurring in the dedicated client and same srf was working on server perfectly fine.

This is error doesn't mean there is problem in search spec in eScript or MVLs or BCs. It usually occurs when calculated fields is having issues.

Possible reasons for this error:

  1. Any type of syntactical mistake in calculated fields
  2. Presence of carriage return in any calculated fields
  3. Calculated fields declared as DTYPE_TEXT however they are compared in another calculated field as integer.

How to resolve it?

  1. Turn on the siebel logs to level 4 and try the scenario again. And search for the error code in log file. 
  2. Just above the error code you should see the calculated expression which is causing issue. 
  3. Now go to flat tab and search with this calculation to find calculated field. Once culprit is found, BC recompile after change does the job.

Hope it helps.

October 06, 2013

SBL-DAT-00309 :You do not have the privileges required to view detailed information for this record.

We detected an Error which may have occurred for one or more of the following reasons:

You do not have the privileges required to view detailed information for this record. Please contact your systems administrator if you would like access to this record (SBL-DAT-00309)