Showing posts with label Solutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solutions. Show all posts

October 19, 2013

How to Pre-populate CC or BCC in Siebel F9 Functionality?

Siebel F9 Email Client no doubt is one of best out of the box functionality of Siebel. It has lot of its logic built into the classes thus presents some limitations. In our previous post we saw how we can bring data from child business component data into email body.

In this posts lets see how we can pre-default CC or BCC recipients using some scripting. Out of the box
when ever Send Email method is invoked from on any Siebel Applet, Send Communication Applet is opened, and "To" email field is populated with the value of the field specified in Recipient Email Address Field  user property on the BC.

However there is no way we can pre-default CC and BCC fields out of the box. With the help of small script on  Send Communication Applet can set the value of To Email, CC, BCC and Email Body as well. This can be useful little customization that can help to pre-populate data which can not be achieved using email templates and recipient groups.

function WebApplet_Load ()
    var oBC = this.BusComp();
    oBC.SetFieldValue("Email BCC Line","");

Siebel Email Client - Siebel 7.8
Hope it helps


October 10, 2013

How to take backup of Siebel Tables?

This article explains how to take backup of Siebel Tables or any other table in Oracle database. It is a good practice to take backup of data before making any changes to schema or before updating bulk records. However Siebel does not provide any archiving or data backup solution out of the box.

There are couple of solutions available if you are using oracle database, some of them are:
1. First option is to copy the table with all the data into a new table in same or any other database.As compared with the any other option turnaround time is very less, as this command executes on the server and there is no payload transferred between client and server.

This can be done with the help of create table command with select statement.

CREATE TABLE new_table  AS (SELECT * FROM old_table);

October 06, 2013

SBL-DAT-00309 :You do not have the privileges required to view detailed information for this record.

We detected an Error which may have occurred for one or more of the following reasons:

You do not have the privileges required to view detailed information for this record. Please contact your systems administrator if you would like access to this record (SBL-DAT-00309)

June 28, 2013

Date manipulation in Siebel Workflows - Contd

In continuation of Incrementing date in workflows.
See latest post on Date functions Siebel eScript

This article explains how to compare two dates type process property in Siebel Workflows.

Everything seems to work as expected, the only point is to make sure you have set the property type of the property holding date as "Date"

To add number of days to a date: [&Date] +30
To subtract number of days from a date : [&Date] - 4
To find if date is passed: [&Date] < Today()
To find if date is future date: [&Date] > Today()
To Add 1 Sec to a date: [&Date] + (1/(24*60*60))

Comparing Date in Siebel Workflow Expression
Comparing Date in Siebel Workflow Expression

Julian days also seems to work perfectly in Siebel Workflow Expression.

To get current Julian month use: JulianMonth(Today())
To get Julian Year: JulianYear(Today())
To get Julian Week: JulianWeek(Today())

Julian Month in Siebel Workflow Expression
Julian Month in Siebel Workflow Expression
Siebel Workflow Process Output
Workflow Process Output
Today(): returns current system date without timestamp.
Timestamp(): returns date with time stamp


June 24, 2013

How to increment date in Siebel workflows?

It is supposed to be the one of the toughest task in e-script is to handle date fields and manipulate the data. Recently I learned it is fairly simple to manipulate the date values in Siebel Workflows as compared to e-script.

This revelation goes to Naresh Lalam from siebel.ittoolbox . After his one of the comments I went up and verified that date fields can be simply manipulated from expression of Workflow Process

Provided :
1: Process Proerty storing Date is of type : Date
2: Number of days which needs to subtracted to added should be integer.
Output Arguments

On simulating these expression it results extremely simple output.

Workflow Process Properties

Credit : Naresh

cheers :)

Restrict certain queries on BC/EBC/VBC : GetSearchExpr()

Recently someone posted requirement on it toolbox to capture and change the queries executed by user on certain Siebel business components.

Few consultant suggested use pre query event of business component to change the search spec using GetSearchExpr and SetSearchExpr, however it is not possible to achieve this without releasing srf.

Perhaps there was a solution which could be achieved without releasing srf.In such type of requirements we can use Siebel Run Time events and client side business services which are independent of srf release.